What to do with this activity?
Try out and learn tongue twisters. They are designed to get your tongue in a muddle, so have a laugh when they go wrong. Tongue twisters are funny, but they can also help a child's speech development. Tongue twisters usually rely on the repetition of similar sounds, often combined with sounds that are just a little bit different - like "s" and "sh".
Let your child have a go at the classic tongue twister below. Start by reading it slowly and clearly. Gradually speed up and learn the twister by heart.
She sells sea shells on the sea shore.
The shells she sells are sea shells, I’m sure.
And if she sells sea shells on the sea shore,
Then I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
There are lots more tongue twisters to enjoy here and some great Irish language tongue twisters from Ivy Panda here.
Why am I doing this?
Talking and listening helps your child build their language and thinking skills – this is a great foundation for them to learn more. Asking questions, finding out answers and looking up words together will help build your child’s vocabulary and knowledge of the world around them.
How can I do more?
Encourage your child to give their opinions and to ask questions about things they see around them. Help your child to make decisions by discussing their ideas. Check if your child understands different things they hear. Encourage your child to teach you new words and phrases they have learnt.
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