What to do with this activity?
It is always a good idea to talk to your child's teacher about what is expected of your child during the school year. They will tell you about the kinds of activities your child will be doing in class. Ask about ways you can support your child's learning at home. You can support your child by keeping the teacher informed if there are any major issues happening in your family.
Talk to your child about what they have learned in school that day. Ask specific questions rather than general ones for example:
- “Did you do any reading or writing in school today?"
- “What did you read?”
- "What does the teacher want you to write about?"
- “What happened in the story?”
If you have any worries about your child’s reading or writing, their general schoolwork, or their homework, talk to your child’s teacher about it. They will be glad that you are interested and that you want to support your child.
The NCAA (The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment) has advice for parents supporting 1st and 2nd class children here and for 3rd and 4th class here.
Why am I doing this?
Talking and listening helps your child build their language and thinking skills – this is a great foundation for them to learn more. Asking questions, finding out answers and looking up words together will help build your child’s vocabulary and knowledge of the world around them.
How can I do more?
Encourage your child to give their opinions and to ask questions about things they see around them. Help your child to make decisions by discussing their ideas. Check if your child understands different things they hear. Encourage your child to teach you new words and phrases they have learnt.
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