8 – 9

Noun, adjective,verb

Top tip

Noun, adjective,verb

What to do with this activity?

Does your child know the difference between nouns, adjectives and verbs? Here are some basic definitions of each, with examples:

1) A noun is a word that refers to a thing (a hat), a person (Aoife), an animal (cat), a place (Dublin), a quality (happiness), an idea (freedom), or an action (cycling). A useful check for if a word is a noun is whether you can replace it in a sentence with the words "he", "she", or "it".

2) An adjective is a word that describes a noun. For instance, in the phrase "the floppy hat", "floppy" is the adjective that describes the "hat", which is a noun. 

3) A verb is a word that shows an action (sing), a happening (develop), or state of being (exist).

Every sentence should have at least one verb and one noun.

Have some fun finding the nouns, verbs and adjectives in simple sentences from books or magazines. And play some online games for fun. Try this one from Big Brown Bear or this one from Sheppard Software.



  • Why am I doing this?

    Reading is like a muscle – the more your child practises it the stronger their ability to read becomes. Reading with your child, encouraging them and giving them space to read makes reading part of their everyday lives.

  • How can I do more?

    Talk to your child about which books they liked and what they think would be good to read next. Look out for other activities for your child’s age group in your local library.
    Use magazines and newspapers for ideas, words and facts. Use the pictures as well as the words. Show your child different types of books - storybooks but also poetry and factual books for children, for example on nature, animals or insects. Encourage your child’s interest in reading about topics they enjoy, for example animals, music and football. Enjoying reading is the most important thing. 

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