5 – 7

Motivating homework

Top tip

Motivating homework

What to do with this activity?

Some children hate doing homework, and it can be an uphill battle to motivate them to get the work done. Here are some suggestions that might help.

1) Have a routine after school and get the homework done first thing. The reward for completion could be extra screen time, a game of football outside, or something (not sweets) that your child likes a lot. Maybe a star chart might work? Once the work is done they can have "free" time. Be consistent with encouragement, rewards and penalties. 

2) Choose a space in the house where your child is comfortable and won't be distracted - the kitchen table might be good. Avoid the room where you have the telly, and keep younger siblings busy elsewhere. 

3) Start with the most difficult bit of homework, and then move to the easier bits. Support them as best you can. Read with them what they are being asked to do, and make suggestions. Break down the tasks into bite sized chunks. Encourage their efforts. If you would like help with your own reading and writing ring our helpline for advice - 1800 20 20 65. 

4) Talk with the teacher if your child is struggling to get the work done. Maybe the kids are being given too much to do. It's better if the teacher knows so that they can make adjustments. 

5) Keep calm yourself, and don't turn homework into a big deal. Help them to quietly get on with the homework as best they can.

  • Why am I doing this?

    Learning to write should be fun. It’s important that children know that writing is a fun and useful. By fitting it into everyday activities, like drawing, writing notes and birthday cards children will get used to holding a pencil and learning to write properly.

  • How can I do more?

    Encourage your child to write and draw  - on outdoor walls with chalk or in the sand at the beach. Give them picture mazes or puzzles to fill out – join the dot puzzles are great for their hand eye coordination.

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