5 – 7

Kim’s game


Kim’s game

What to do with this activity?

Playing Kim´s game is a good way of developing your child´s memory skills and concentration – both skills useful for all learning.

Put 10 things from around the house on a tray - it could be things like a pencil, an orange, some cotton wool, a toy etc.. Ask your child to look carefully at them for about thirty seconds. Then take the tray away and ask them to call out what they remember.

Another way of playing the game is to cover the things, take one thing away and ask the child to spot what is missing. You can put more things on the tray as they get better.

You might be interested to know that the name of the game comes from Rudyard Kipling's story "Kim" where the character Kim plays this game as part of his training as a spy! 

  • Why am I doing this?

    One of the ways children learn is through play. A child who is playing is refining learning skills that continue to develop during childhood and beyond. Indoor and outdoor games are a great way of practising some of the reading, writing and number skills your child has learned.

  • How can I do more?

    Encourage your child to teach you a game – letting them teach you something is empowering for your child.

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