What to do with this activity?
Ice lollies are delicious and easy to make if you have a freezer section in your fridge. Also, they are a great way to encourage your child to eat fresh fruit and fruit juices.
Ice lolly moulds are easy to buy, but if you can't find a set in the shops, you can make your own using recycled plastic cartons and lollipop sticks. You don't want the lollies to be too big to fit little mouths, so we suggest using mini cartons, such as "Petits Filous".
You can put any fruit or fruit juice you like into the moulds - mashed up strawberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, real orange juice, yoghurt drinks or whatever you like. Get some recipe ideas here, but mostly you can just make it up.
Then stand the cartons upright in the freezer with a lollipop stick in the centre of each, and wait for them to freeze. When you are ready to eat them, dip each one into a bowl of really hot water for a very short time, and the carton should release the lolly. Enjoy.
Start a recipe notebook, and let your child write down what they put into their favourite ice lollies.
Why am I doing this?
Learning to write should be fun. It’s important that children know that writing is a fun and useful. By fitting it into everyday activities, like drawing, writing notes and birthday cards children will get used to holding a pencil and learning to write properly.
How can I do more?
Encourage your child to write and draw - on outdoor walls with chalk or in the sand at the beach. Give them picture mazes or puzzles to fill out – join the dot puzzles are great for their hand eye coordination.
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