3 – 4

Think out loud

Top tip

Think out loud

What to do with this activity?

Talking to your child face-to-face, as well as listening to them, are probably the most important things you do as a parent. 

Your toddler is watching and listening to everything around them. It helps if you talk out loud about what you are planning, what the options are, what you choose to do next and how you go about your daily routine. In other words, think out loud!

Your three or four year old will learn the names for items and actions, and will learn step by step thought processes. 



  • Why am I doing this?

    Children’s ability to think and understand experiences develops by listening and speaking. As a child’s language becomes more complex so does their ability to understand more complex thoughts and ideas. The family is the child’s first source of language and learning and there are lots of everyday activities that occur in the home, which can help children’s language skills. Your child will get better at using words when they practice words and hear the sounds of words.

  • How can I do more?

    Children’s ability to think and understand experiences develops by listening and speaking. As a child’s language becomes more complex so does their ability to understand more complex thoughts and ideas. The family is the child’s first source of language and learning and there are lots of everyday activities that occur in the home, which can help children’s language skills. Your child will get better at using words when they practice words and hear the sounds of words.

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