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Over and under

Top tip

Over and under

What to do with this activity?

When talking and playing with your child use words like "up" , "down", "over" and "under". 

For example "Look at the bird up in the tree"; "Oops, the spoon fell down on the floor";  "Are you climbing over the blanket?"; "Are you under the blanket?".

Look at this youtube song "On in under by" and let your two year old tell you where the spider is. Is it "on" or "in" or "under" the box? 

"Where is it?" is another fun song about "on" "in" and "under". 

Try and use these important little words often. That way your child will begin to understand what some call "positional" language - words that tell you where something is.

  • Why am I doing this?

    Sharing stories play an important role in a child’s development. They not only help children learn language and reading skills but they also have an emotional quality which can help children make sense of their feelings. Reading to babies and young children, and giving them time to respond, will help make the most of this opportunity. Recognising shapes will help your child to learn to read later on.

  • How can I do more?

    The most important thing is that reading is fun and enjoyable for both of you – five minutes can be enough. Just turn off the TV and find a quiet place so there are no distractions. And remember stories are not just found in books, it’s just as good to tell your child short, simple stories you know.

    Remember, you’re not teaching your child to read. You learn to talk a long time before you learn to read, and sharing stories and giving your child time to respond is a wonderful way to help your child’s language development.

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