What to do with this activity?
Here's a video song with lots of numbers and pretty snowflakes popping up.
At this very young age your child doesn't have words or know numbers, especially up as high as the number 20. It's more about letting them hear words and see numbers, and getting to know that they are fun.
Your toddler might enjoy hearing and watching the video over and over. Always be with your child when you are playing material from the internet. Sing along with it. When you next see snow, show your little one and try and catch snowflakes together.
Why am I doing this?
Children learn about numbers in a natural way through play and by counting real things in their everyday lives. The repetition of numbers in a fun way helps children remember the sequence of 1, 2, 3. Movement and rhymes also make it easier for a child to remember sounds – that’s why nursery rhymes are so great.
How can I do more?
When out shopping, count food items with your child as you put them into your trolley. If you’re saying a nursery rhyme why not shake a plastic bottle filled with rice or small stones to the rhythm to make more noise.
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